Monday, September 13, 2010

Cold-Shot units back to back at Indy


Mahaffey Cold-Shot units used by three class winners at the U.S. Nationals in INDY!

The Mahaffey/Hall Cold-Shot chiller units were used by seven cars at the 2010 U.S. Nationals.  They were insturmental in the Class Wins of GT/AA, SS/CA, and A/SA.  Thanks and congrats to drivers and team members of Gary Richard and Brian Oakes.  Here are some photos of the Cold-Shot units in service at Indy    

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Super/Stock 60 Corvette update (old school)

 The Corvette project is comming along nicely.  The frame is almost ready for the body.  I just finished the radiator installation.  This portion of the build is crucial to the success of the project.  It will allow me to harness all of the cooling potential needed to operate on the street and/or race track.  The radiator is a PRC unit that has been modified by me for fit and function.  The radiator core support from Corvette Central was slightly out of square, thus was cut apart, re-squared and welded back correctly.  The core support is also responsible for the positioning of the front end of the Corvette's body, and must be right!